Restaurants located within area 49 of our Waikiki Map---................---code: 2130
Restaurant name: Babylon Cafe (CLOSED)

Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Middle Eastern
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served : Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Marketplace
Phone number: (808)391-1518
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Bautista's Filipino Kitchen (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Filipino Cuisine
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served : Lunch & Dinner
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: international Marketplace
Phone number: (808)923-7220
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Choi's Kitchen (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Korean
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served: Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)923-5614
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Coconut Willy's Bar and Grill. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: American
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served: Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Marketplace
Phone number: (808)923-9454
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Greek Grill. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Greek
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served: Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Marketplace
Phone number: (808)926-4091
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Hank's Haute Dogs. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Chicago Dogs
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served :Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)924-9933
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: International Pizza & Hokkaido Noodles House. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Italian, Japanese
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served : Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)924-1488
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Pekin Garden Chinese Restaurant. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Chinese
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served :Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Marketplace
Phone number: (808)926-6060
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Rainbow Sushi. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Japanese, Sushi
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served : Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Marketplace
Phone number: (808)922-5100
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Saigon Express. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Vietnamese
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served : Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)922-1848
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Tiki Burgers. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: American Burgers
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served: Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)922-2202
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Waikiki Fruits and Foods. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
Parking: Self-Parking

Type of food: Healthy Snacks
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served : Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)922-3787
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


Restaurant name: Yummy Korean Bar-B-Q. (CLOSED)
Address: 2330 Kalakaua Ave.

Type of food: Korean BBQ
Hours of operation: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Meals served: Daily
Average cost per person (excluding alcoholic beverages): (unavailable)
Menu (click here)
Location: International Markrtplace
Phone number: (808)922-2141
If you are the restaurant manager or owner and would like to include the above "unavailable" fields contact us.


All Waikiki Restaurants













